vacuuming of cryogenic tanks

"Robodynamics" company carries out a full range of vacuum restoration works (vacuuming) in the thermal insulation cavity of the inner vessel in cryogenic containers using professional equipment. List of works for vacuuming the thermal insulation cavity:
Перечень работ по выполнению вакуумирования теплоизоляционной полости:

Opening (replacement) of the safety membrane of the thermal insulation cavity

— Drying of the thermal insulation filler with warm nitrogen

— Topping up (if necessary) the filler to the norm

— Installation of the casing membrane

— Revision of the bellows (vacuum) valve

— Replacement if necessary

— Vacuuming of the thermal insulation cavity of the inner vessel to the norm of 10 Pa - 20 Pa

— Installation of plugs on the valve and membrane

— Sealing

Vacuuming should be carried out no less than once a year, thereby you can prevent spontaneous losses of liquid cryoproduct.


Vacuuming of cryogenic vessels is a critically important process that ensures the efficient and safe use of cryogenic systems.

Cryogenic vessels usually consist of two shells - inner and outer. Between these shells is a space that needs to be vacuumed. This process involves removing air from this space with a vacuum pump. Removing air prevents the formation of condensate inside the vessel, which is especially important when storing cryogenic liquids such as liquid nitrogen or helium.

Once the air is removed, the vessel is usually filled with an inert gas, such as nitrogen, to prevent corrosion and oxidation. This gas also serves as insulation, helping to protect the contents of the vessel from external temperature effects, which is especially important for storing cryogenic materials that need to be kept at very low temperatures.

It should be noted that vacuuming should be performed by specialists. Improper vacuuming can lead to damage to the vessel or the creation of unsafe conditions. The vacuuming process requires specialized equipment and should be carried out in strict accordance with safe work procedures.

Regular checking of the vacuum status in cryogenic vessels is also critically important for ensuring their reliable and safe operation. This can be done with specialized tools and equipment, such as vacuum meters, which can measure the level of vacuum inside the vessel.

Overall, vacuuming of cryogenic vessels is a complex but extremely important process that requires a high degree of professionalism and precision. It plays a key role in ensuring the effective and safe use of cryogenic systems, which are vitally important in many industries, including healthcare, scientific research, and industry.

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